How To Stimulate Productivity This January

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January 12, 2018

January is the month for productivity. After enjoying a lazy winter break littered with overindulgent evenings, most people return to work in the New Year adamant to be a better version of their former selves.

But saying you’ll increase productivity is one thing, and actually following up is something else altogether. Like the January-only gym goers, those who aren’t fully committed to making a change will quickly fall back into old habits. For freelancers and contractors, it’s crucial to maintain high output, as productivity levels are directly related to income. The more you do, the more you earn.

Following the festive break, we’ve put together some productivity tips for 2018. These are sure to help you hit the ground running and never look back.

Let there be light

One of the easiest ways to remain productive is to acknowledge and satisfy your sleep patterns.

As human beings, we’re programmed to wake up in daylight and snooze in the dark. Sticking to your natural instincts can help enormously when it comes to being productive.

Pulling back the curtains and working in a room full of natural light will see you enjoy better sleep, experience a happier mood, receive more Vitamin D (from sunlight), and work faster in bright conditions.

Take a break

Being industrious doesn’t mean working every waking minute of the day. In fact, doing so will prove counterproductive.

As a self-employed worker, you’re in charge of your break times, and you need to shape a strict schedule for yourself as if you were an employee.

Set 15 minutes aside at several points throughout the day to eat, relax, get some fresh air and enjoy some light exercise. It’ll help keep your mind sharp.

Eat healthy

When the fridge is a stone’s throw away, you can waste huge amounts of time snacking when you’re not even hungry. To quash this behaviour, set a time to eat and enjoy a balanced diet.

Tucking into sandwiches all day long may seem like the best option, but this can make you feel sluggish and lethargic. By eating a mixture of fruit, vegetables, protein, carbs and fats, you’ll have reinvigorated mental energy to perform more tasks at higher standards.

Do the nasty tasks first

It’s always tempting to push the more troublesome jobs to the bottom of your to-do list. However, you’ll be far more productive if you get them out of the way first.

Whether it’s a difficult phone call or a head-scratching assignment, grit your teeth and start the task ASAP. This way, it won’t be playing on your mind all day long, and you can concentrate on your remaining jobs without distraction.

Many freelancers and contractors consider accounting among the very worst work chores. The less you want to do something, the longer it tends to take – so anyone who hates accounting procedures often spends an exhausting amount of time on their books.

Don’t waste your energy on accounts this year – get Bright Ideas Contractor & Freelancer to sort everything for you so your work productivity levels remain sky-high. Get in touch with our team on 0161 451 3925 and we’ll get your accounts tidied up in time for the Self Assessment tax return deadline.

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